“We stand for social justice.”
The Austrian Trade Union Federation (ÖGB) and its trade unions represent the interests of all employees vis-à-vis employers, the state and political parties.
The Institution
- The Austrian Federation of Trade Unions was established in 1945 and is a professional association of employees based on a democratic foundation and voluntary membership. It currently has 1.2 million members.
- The ÖGB’s mission is to ensure fair working conditions by negotiating collective bargaining agreements with employers in all industries.
- It is subdivided into seven smaller trade units, traditionally dominated by a certain political fraction, with the Social Democrats being the strongest.
- Austria’s first comprehensive collective bargaining agreement ever was concluded in 1896 and regarded book printers.
- Today, about 450 agreements between employers’ and employees’ associations are established annually.
The Database
- The database of the ÖGB and its trade unions is called kollektivvertrag.at.
- The website provides access to all collective bargaining agreements currently in force, brief overviews of selected agreements, news on ongoing negotiations and basic information on the subject.
- You can search the agreements by trade union, by industry or by alphabetical list.
- All content is publicly accessible, but additional functionality is available to union members after logging in, such as easier document navigation, quick search for specific content, printing and creating a PDF.
Available Formats
- After logging in all documents are available in PDF-format for print and download.
- The documents are only available in German.
Sources: ÖGB, kollektivvertrag.at, Österreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund
Information status as of 20.04.2023
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