“If Saxons can participate in political decision-making processes in a diverse and effective way, this also strengthens trust in our democracy, the rule of law and political institutions.”
Saxony is a state in the middle-east of Germany with a population of around 4 million people and an area of approximately 18,5 km². The State also has a total of four legal databases: REVOSax, ESAMOSplus, Sächsisches Oberverwaltungsgericht and Sächsischer Verfassungsgerichtshof.
The State
- With the founding of the Mark Meißen in 929, the Free State of Saxony looks back on almost 1,100 years of history. Making the transfer from monarchy to republic in November 1918, dissolving in the following years and being re-established in 1990 after the German reunification.
- The State’s capitol is called “Dresden”. Dresden is the second largest city of Saxony after “Leipzig” and a true tourist magnet. It offers over 50 museums, more than 35 theatres and famous buildings from different eras. Dresden was also a UNESCO World Heritage Site from 2004 to 2009.
- The land of Saxony can be divided into lowland, hilly land and low mountain ranges. The highest mountain counts 1215 metres and is called “Fichtelberg”.
The Databases
- Let’s start with REVOSax, the database for Saxony’s legislation. REVOSax offers access to the laws, regulations, administrative regulations and treaties of the State.
- The database has a simple and an advanced search feature, it provides interactive tables of content and additional information like the law’s date of entry into force.
- The language of the documents is German and they are available in html- and PDF-format.
- Then, there are three databases concerning the case law of the courts of Saxony. The courts in question are: the Higher Regional Court (Oberlandesgericht Dresden) for civil and criminal matters, the Higher Administrative Court (Sächsisches Oberverwaltungsgericht) and the Constitutional Court (Sächsischer Verfassungsgerichtshof).
- The database of the Higher Regional Court is called ESAMOSplus. Here you can find not only decisions of the highest court itself but also selected decisions of lower courts. There is no feature provided to view the documents online. Clicking on a search result will start the download of the PDF-file right away.
- The database of the Higher Administrative Court is simply called “Entscheidungssammlung”. When searching for decisions you may proceed thematically with the overview on the left-hand side of the website or use the available search forms. The documents can be viewed online and are provided in PDF-format for download.
- The database of the Constitutional Court of Saxony has no specific name. You can search by keywords, date, type of proceedings and file number. The decisions again are available in PDF-Format to view and download.
Sources: Sachsen, Freistaat Sachsen Dresden
Information status as of 14.06.2022
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